How can SEO help your business?

Our latest guest article is from the brilliant Matthew Rusk of MGR Music. Matt has built a nationwide business selling guitar lessons across most major cities in the UK. Matt’s business is based upon a strong SEO campaign, and here he shares his wisdom…

Imagine if your business card was always on the top of the pile, your advert the first one customers would see within an industry or your product shining brighter than others at a trade show. For me this is what being at the top of the Google rankings is. Yet, so many SME misunderstand three basic rules of SEO.

What are people searching for?

The first and certainly the most important is “What are people ALREADY searching for on Google?”. There is no point your business reaching number one in Google for a search that no one is ever looking at. This includes your business name -yes, as your business grows people will become more aware of your company and search for your name.

Imagine though, if you chose your company name around what people are already searching for. For example, instead of launching a guitar tuition company in London called MGR Music Tuition, naming it “Guitar Lessons London” ( a reflection of the current most popular search term for people seeking guitar teachers in London.

Keep the url as simple as possible

This leads me to my second most important point – buy a pro domain name. Don’t settle for guitar-lessons-in-london (.org .co. .biz)  but invest in what I refer to as “straight domains” that do not contain dashes. Then couple this with a decent ending of .com or By spending the money to actually secure a domain such as these will give a certain degree of legitimacy around your website helping Google to favour your website over others.

Content is king

Thirdly and finally, provide useful, inspiring, engaging, interesting and amazing content and you will get two holy grails of SEO in one go. Good content will draw in traffic thanks to Google’s long search tail while at the same time increase the chances that a third party website will create a link to your website. Google ranks websites on their ability to answer a question – if the community in which your website sits all agrees that your website answers the question the best then Google will place your website the highest. The way Google measures a communities consensus on which website is better at answering a question is in the most simplistic sense through counting each link as a vote of confidence to a website. The more votes you have the higher your website will fall in the democratic ranking system of Google.

There is money to be made being top of the Google rankings for something that is being searched for, follow these tips and you will be able to cash in on this!

Here at webwise we are proud to offer reliable and affordable SEO services. A big thank you to Matthew Rusk for his guest article, don’t forget to check out his websites!

About the author

Dan Wiseman

Founder & director of Web Wise. He writes about web design, marketing, entrepreneurship, investing and games. Dan regularly speaks on these subjects and is available for coaching and consultancy.

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