How to Create the Perfect Post on Facebook
When posting on Facebook as a business you want your post to stand out among the reams of other things that clog our newsfeeds. The answer is well known: use an eye catching image.
In fact research shows that photos are the most engaging thing you can post by far: photos make up 87% of shares, while normal links only account for 4%.
If you want to post a link then you want a photo to go alongside it. And Facebook knows this, so it does its best to display an image alongside your link.
However, did you know that Facebook displays two different sizes of images, with varying degrees of impressiveness?
Which one do you find the most eye-catching?
If you want your posts to appear with the larger image you need to include an image on your page there are two things you can do.
Include an image on your page (Basic)
Include an image that is at least 600 x 315 pixels on your page. This isn’t always a foolproof way, as sometimes Facebook will not pick it up – but it’s a start!
You’ll need to edit your images to get them in the right ratios to make up the perfect post. One way to do this is by using Photoshop, but it does cost £17 per month to use (at time of posting).
An excellent free alternative to Photoshop is GIMP, which has most of the functionality of Photoshop without any rental costs. If using GIMP, open a new project and set the size to 600 by 315 pixels, then insert the image you want to resize and use the scale and move tools to make it look the way you want.
Another free alternative is to go to the website – it doesn’t have as much functionality as GIMP or Photoshop but it’s very easy to use and should be up to most resizing tasks.
Include Facebook meta code (Advanced)
Ideally you will include some meta code in your pages HTML. The code you need is:
<meta property=”og:image” content=”IMAGE_URL_HERE” />
Don’t panic if that sounds complex, we include this as standard on all our new website designs and can install it for you!
If you’d rather do this yourself, you can install a WordPress plugin called SEO Yoast, that adds this data for you. Otherwise, you can manually add the code to your website’s HTML yourself (if you are familiar with coding!).
Hopefully this will help your business create eye-catching posts on Facebook – we look forward to seeing you on our newsfeed.