Does the Valuation Prove Twitter’s Worth?

In case you missed it, Twitter’s offering on the New York Stock exchange saw the share price rise dramatically, leaving the company valued at around £19 Billion!

Twitter has more than 230 million users, but is yet to make a profit.” BBC News

If it hasn’t yet made a profit, why is it valued so highly? Well the obvious answer is potential. Twitter has already begun to develop its advertising platform, aiming at everyday businesses. Much like Facebook ads, which many of our customers are already seeing the benefit of, Twitter is beginning to offer a similar service.

Twitter users post 500 million tweets per day.

How can your business take advantage of this thriving community? Well, why not check out our SocialWise service? It’s specifically designed for small businesses to get a strong foundation in social media and gives you access to our expert marketing consultancy.

Click here to begin your Twitter campaign with us.

About the author

Dan Wiseman

Founder & director of Web Wise. He writes about web design, marketing, entrepreneurship, investing and games. Dan regularly speaks on these subjects and is available for coaching and consultancy.

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