The best website platforms on the planet

the best website platforms on the planet

The title of this blog article may sound a bit dramatic but I have been feeling this more and more in the past couple of weeks.

First, some facts. Did you know that WordPress is the most popular platform on the planet, powering approximately 1 in 4 of all websites? And Shopify is the second fastest growing platform after WordPress.

Recently, WordPress has announced some stunning changes that in my opinion, will cement it as the best platform for brochure style websites. Furthermore, Shopify announced yesterday that it has released a plugin allowing the integration of e-commerce on your WordPress site.


The WordPress API

WordPress began its life as a blogging platform then slowly it developed into a content management system – allowing you to manage many aspects of your site like pages and design. With the imminent release of the WordPress API, the system is developing into a fully-fledged application platform.

I don’t want to get too technical, but simply put an API allows your WordPress website to talk to other websites – whether they use WordPress or not – and share things like data, posts, news, images, whatever. It sounds simple but is an extremely powerful feature. Let me give you a practical example: I run a hobby videogame site built on WordPress. Using the new API we will be able to connect our site to Metacritic to automatically pull in reviews for games. Or, we could connect our site to download stores to automatically pull in the prices of the games we write about.

Another example benefit of the API is the ability for companies like us to build entirely bespoke admin areas for our clients. We could for example, create a mobile phone app specific to your WordPress site that allows you to manage all aspects of your site in a friendly way, with a few taps on your iphone. Awesome!


Sell on WordPress using the Shopify Ecommerce Plugin

“With just a few clicks, you can now make any WordPress page or blog post shoppable using the free Shopify Ecommerce Plugin.

Shopify WordPress plugin

Installing the plugin adds the ability to easily drop products with buy buttons into any sidebar, page or blog post. Plus, you’ll get a slick pop-out shopping cart for your site, so customers can purchase multiple products at once.”

– Shopify

Of course, you’ll still need a Shopify plan (from just $9 per month) and as official partners: we can help.


The world is yours

So if you use WordPress and want to sell; get in touch. If you’re not using WordPress or Shopify – then it might be time to join the best platforms on the planet.

About the author

Dan Wiseman

Founder & director of Web Wise. He writes about web design, marketing, entrepreneurship, investing and games. Dan regularly speaks on these subjects and is available for coaching and consultancy.

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